Re: Apologies to gnome-gui if I ever said you guys were flamers...

Dan Effugas Kaminsky <> wrote:
> I do NOT mind coders saying "by the way, this is kinda hard because of X, Y,
> and Z."  I DO mind "dan kaminsky is an idiot/dumbass out to kill gnome".
> That was the general reaction I got in the Gnome developer IRC channel, by
> the way.

well dan - you've got a problem here. and it won't go away by labeling the
gnome-developers flaming bastards.

see, these are the guys who will have to write the code for your ideas. as
long as they take that view on you, it simply won't happen and you can just
as well close shop and go home.

what can you do? the social solution: work on your pr department to create a
better impression of yourself. or the technical solution: learn to write
gnome lib stuff and prove them wrong by implementing things yourself.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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