Re: Random thought...

>Problem is, the way things are done now, alot of functionality is duplicated
>between WMs.  "Time to write yet another launcher database"  "Time to write
>another panel interface" etc.  That's the beauty of a standard *extensible*
>wm, as opposed to, as you show, just whatever happened to go by default:
>It's far easier for users to try out new WMs without fear of having to redo
>all their settings.

I think that WM's coders are doing "GNOME aware" versions of their WMs. Or
apps to read GNOME config. Or they are pointing to be "aware" from the base.

Maybe a gnome-wm list is needed. So all WM coders and all guy seeing
problems with WM can suscribe and talk. I think that GNOME needs some help
from WMs, do not limit ourselves. The user sees a "all", not "this is GNOME
and this is WM". Integration is amust (but do not force GNOME awere WM, stay
in "use any WM, but best experienced with a GNOMEish one").

BTW, every distro will ship with one or more WM. They do the distro, they
choose. In my RH I can choose among: fvwm95, fvwm and Afterstep (and the
system keeps the config to some extent). I can also install more WM (with or
without config problems, depends on WM and package). Do not you think that
"free of choice" is good?


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