Re: Cluehunting: Expanding The Future

>  Cluehunting is an advanced Expansion Agent, defined as a system
>  that allows the computer to search possible “expansions”
>  throughout given contexts given a “clue” by the user.

OK.  Your Cluehunting proposal looks to me like auto-completion
extended to be available from more places than the usual ones (shell
prompt and one or two text entries), as well as having a nicer
interface to select from completions than simply iterating among them.

>  Universal Expansions
>  Inputstream Aware Expansion Styles
>  Application-Dependant Clue Contexts
>  Clue Context Overrides
>  Pluggable Context Servers
>  Regular Expressions
>  Batch Expansions
>  Cluelists
>  General Accessability

>  Univeral Expansions:  Expansion should be available in all interface
>  components.

Every GNOME application that uses text entry lines is supposed to use
the GnomeEntry widget, so you could implement your Cluehuntint
functionality in it.  Glib already has a nice GCompletion abstraction
upon which you could build your stuff.

As for using Cluehunting in something other than text entries, you may
want to provide a nice API to do completion in a "cluehunt-enhanced"

>  Regular Expressions:  Regular Expressions should be available for usage in
>  clue expansions.  Many users are familiar with using * to signify a
>  wildcard.  While the default expansion would, in general, presume a * at the
>  end of the provided clue and expand from there, there is no reason this is
>  necessary.  A user searching for dictionary words that end with “sort”
>  should be able to expand *sort into resort, consort, and plain old sort.
>  The only problem--how to differentiate between a clue containing a regex for
>  search purposes(execute context for ls -l *.gz) versus a clue that wants its
>  regex expanded before search(command history context for ls -l *.gz).  It’s
>  quite probable that most contexts will only fit one or the other, but I’m
>  unsure.  Email me if you think that a specific “begin regex” keybinding
>  would be necessary.

(Those are not regular expressions; those use simple shell globbing,
but your point is taken)

Please propose a programming interface and implement it as a
proof-of-concept so that people can begin testing it.  It would be
useful to have completion functionality in as many places as possible.

For more information about this sort of stuff, I would suggest you
read the Remembrance Agent documents in the wearable computing site at  There are also some ideas you could take from Emacs
tags, abbrevs, and dynamic completion.


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