Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Notification Sample Length Standardization

> On Thu, Aug 13, 1998 at 11:50:27AM -0700, Bowie Poag wrote:
> > The proposal governs the default set of sound samples employed by the
> > application.
> Hmmm hate to nitpick but... what's the default set? Ok I agree it's hard to
> give a complete set of things you could link sounds to. But it still gives
> me a bit of a 'vague' feeling.... I could think of things like popping up a
> fatal error box, a input request, trying to move off a line of text. But
> someone else might think of another set of things.. or just say that's wm
> stuff. It's always good to exactly know what we are discussing, and that we
> are talking about the same thing. (Ok it's a bit nitpicky I admit... sowwy
>:) )

A) Thanks for asking, Ric.. Here's the clarification youre asking for.

Way of saying it #1:
The proposal governs the default set of sound samples employed by the

Way of saying it #2:
The sound sampless which are provided by the application to use as its
DEFAULT SETTINGS, straight out of the box, cannot be longer than two
seconds. If you want to put a sample in there longer than two seconds,
fine -- Thats your choice. But the application itself will never use a >2
second sample for notification purposes, by default.

Way of saying it #3:
Every application which employs audio for the purpose of notifying the
user of something (email for example) comes with a collection of suggested
audio samples. The one which is played BY DEFAULT must not be longer than
2 seconds.

Way of saying it #4:
Default notification sample length cannot exceed 2 seconds, but you can go
^^^^^^^ in and specify any sample, of any length you want, by yourself. it yet?

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