Re: Whitespace (was: Re: GNOME Compliance Labels)

> >Stictly on the whitespace issue, I'm with you on this one. Whitespace
> >makes a *huge* difference in how professional or polished a program
> >looks. It can also be used to line up widgets into columns, which when
> >done properly, eases the eye's journey around the window. I've got some
> >links a professor of mine had made up about this--I'll have to go dig
> >them up. And translate them into English.  :)

> Windows apps, in general, have less whitespace than almost every Unix app.
> Yes, I'll say that to that degree of certainty.  And you know what?  They
> look better.  There's a *reason* Windows 3.1 looks like crap compared to 95.
> I was thinking about making some big huge post about how more whitespace
> looks worse.  But why should I?  That's what mockups are for.

Doubly agreed. :)


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