Re: A letter for Tom/RGSG contributors

> You're right, of course, Soren, and I apologize for the flame
> bait.  I still stand by my opinions in this matter, but my words
> should have been better chosen.
> However, the fact remains that the RSG was a passive,
> *non*-competing effort, despite what Bowie has said, and I am
> very disappointed that Bowie is not taking his own advice.  At
> the very least, he should stop making proposals for the UISG, and
> should concentrate on fitting his ideas into the *new* official
> format, the GNOME User Interface Guidelines.  This
> cross-development is leading to the same confusion about how
> *which* issues are handled by *which* style guide.  If something
> is decided for the UISG, does it make it into the GUIG?  Will we
> have to ratify every style twice?

The reason why we're moving ahead, is because theres no reason for us to
stop -- And more importantly, somebody has to do it. Our intent is not to
overrun Federico aand give him more work than he can handle -- Its merely
to give him a document he can rely upon, to do with whatever he wishes.
Once the document is done, we're done.

> I understand that Bowie intends to merge the UISG into the GUIG
> when it's ready (mid-October?), but why wait that long?  Why
> create an interim period of confusion, just to support a document
> that will disappear in a couple months anyway?  We should be
> focusing all our efforts on the single format contained in the
> official GNOME User Interface Guidelines document.

I do NOT intent on merging the UISG into the GUIG -- Thats not my
decision, thats Federicos. I can certainly suggest it, but I cant really
force anything like that to happen. The only thing I, and we can do, as
contributors and maintainers, is to form a document so solid that Federico
would be crazy not to use it, at least in some way. :)

> This is still an important issue, even though the RSG part of it
> has been resolved.  Bottom line, we still have two style guides.
> John

Nope. We have one official Style Guide project being maintained by
Federico,and we have one un-official document which will offer a few
suggestions. Thats all we're doing here.. And had Tom not come along to
blow the focus X number of weeks ago, we would have been doing the same
exact thing, as always. Building a suggested document for public
consumption, review, and eventual release. Business as usual, as far as
i'm concerned. I really wish Tom would have just continued development
somewhere else, instead of dropping his project completely.


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