personal attack

Bowie Poag wrote:

> The reason why we're moving ahead, is because theres no reason for us to
> stop -- And more importantly, somebody has to do it. Our intent is not to
> overrun Federico aand give him more work than he can handle -- Its merely
> to give him a document he can rely upon, to do with whatever he wishes.
> Once the document is done, we're done.

well, that _was_ your job for a while, but you wound up with nothing
concrete and got canned.

you're fired, bowie. you're done. you were given an opportunity, got
tied up in flamewars, didn't do what you were asked to do, and were
handed your pink slip. sugar-coat it all you want, that's what happened.

go ahead, hit reply. go ahead, tell me that isn't what happened. go
ahead, try to save face in front of the dozens of others reading this
list. we've all been reading the list just like you; what you _say_
happened is irrelevant, because we all saw it.

> I do NOT intent on merging the UISG into the GUIG -- Thats not my
> decision, thats Federicos. I can certainly suggest it, but I cant really
> force anything like that to happen. The only thing I, and we can do, as
> contributors and maintainers, is to form a document so solid that Federico
> would be crazy not to use it, at least in some way. :)

shame you failed, huh? i suggest you brush up on the apple style guide
and tom's rsg, because your determined ignorance of them before has led
to their acceptance as the official guig.

> Nope. We have one official Style Guide project being maintained by
> Federico,and we have one un-official document which will offer a few
> suggestions.

the situation a week ago: we had one official style guide project being
maintained by you, and we had one un-official document which offered a
few suggestions (the rsg). the situation is unchanged now, except that
tom's has been used as the official one, and now yours is the rebel.

> Thats all we're doing here.. And had Tom not come along to
> blow the focus X number of weeks ago

"blowing focus," is that what it's called? is that a bad thing? if so,

> we would have been doing the same
> exact thing, as always. Building a suggested document for public
> consumption, review, and eventual release. Business as usual, as far as
> i'm concerned. I really wish Tom would have just continued development
> somewhere else, instead of dropping his project completely.

then you are being a hypocrite and must take your own advice, and move
your uisg elsewhere.

bowie, i'm tired of reading your posts, so i'm going to unsubscribe from
the list if you don't move your stupidity elsewhere. you were given a
job, you failed to deliver any content, and were fired for being
unproductive. you continuously took focus _off_ the philosophy of user
interface and turned debates into flamewars, you laid aside your
professionalism (if ever you had any), you tried to kick productive
people off the list, you hid the stupidity of your propositions behind
"devil's advocacy," you tried to tell productive people and innovaters
what they could and could not do, and you gave the gnome project a bad
name (on the irc channels i hang out on, anyway).

you have no experience with user interface design; the ideas you
proposed for another project were never implemented, have never been
tested, and therefore utterly failed to make you an expert on the
subject matter. you cannot code, you leech on the talents of others to
flesh out your proposals, and you have yet to get your name on an
open-source project.

you are, in conclusion, an utterly ineffective person, and a hypocrite
at that. your failure to consider options and your limited vision (gnome
isn't for cash registers? were you drunk?) has proven you to be an
unsuitable leader or even participant in an upwardly-mobile,
high-potential project such as gnome. those of us who think rationally,
consider other viewpoints, and can focus, are ashamed to be associated
with you.

again, if you do not take your unwelcome distraction from tom's style
guide (now, with the apple style guide, the official style guide of the
gnome project) known as the uisg off this list, _i will_ leave the list.

okay, okay, so my departure (as well as anyone who has broader
experience than you) will probably make you happy. i don't care. i have
no tolerance for your stupidity any more, and you clearly don't need my
insight to follow your own blind path. i will leave if you won't. the
choice is yours.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
deserve neither liberty nor safety." --Benjamin Franklin

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