Re: A letter for Tom/RGSG contributors

Bowie Poag wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Aug 1998, John R Sheets wrote:
> > Bowie Poag wrote:
> >
> > > Those of us in UISG Project still intend on moving forward until its
> > > ultimate completion, so, you can rest assured that the contributions
> > > you've made into our project will inevitably find their way into
> > > Federico's hands, along with the concepts and ideas which found their
> > > birthplace in the RSG.
> >
> > Okay, Bowie.  Clarify a quick point here for me.  How long are you going to
> > continue your work on the UISG?  Not in terms of tasks, but rather in terms of
> > a physical time period.  Days?  Weeks?  Months?
> To borrow a phrase from Id, "It will be released when its done." :)
> But seriously, I dont see the remainder of the development process lasting
> any longer than mid-October. So, reasonably we're looking at about 6
> weeks. Any further than that, and i'll have to sign off the project
> anyway; I have school to worry about, which now comes first.

Hmmmm.  Okay.  Six weeks.  So when the UISG was the official
style guide, and Tom's RSG was the parallel effort, it was
extremely dangerous and disruptive to have two versions out at
the same time.  Yet, *NOW*, when Federico's GUIG is the official
style guide, and the UISG has become the parallel effort, it's
suddenly a good, helpful thing.  What?

I thought you said it was a horrible thing to have two versions
of the style guide being discussed at the same time in the same
list.  Are you planning on moving the UISG to a different mailing
list to keep down the destructive crosstalk, just as you demanded
Tom do?

I'm more than a little confused here, Bowie.  How can you justify
this hypocrisy?


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