RE: A letter for Frederico, and others..

> > I have not yet decided upon the form of the User Interface Guidelines.
> > The structure of the initial version I committed to cvs was just put
> > together to have something to work on.  This is the beauty of free
> > software; we can later move things around and change them if there is
> > a better way to do it.
> Great! See? This is what we needed. Instead of two lines of competition,
> two TRULY parallel efforts, both aimed at the same head for processing..
> Excellent execellent excellent! 

This makes no sense to me, Bowie. While you were sleeping off your Mountain Dew hangover, Tom produced a straw man style guide for people on this list to comment on, and you blasted him for it. Now Frederico, apparently because the style guide you are maintaining is nothing more than a skeleton, has come up with his own, and you praise him! I admit that I can find no logic in your behavior.

Although I couldn't find Frederico's new style guide in LXR...

Wesley Felter - - Hack the Planet

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