RE: RSG, draft 4 -- Move it to a separate mailing list.

>A) Glad to see you've adopted the UISG's Compliance Level layout. One more
>   checkmark on the list.

Less wars. Good!

>B) Please move discussion of your project to the separate mailing list
>   that was offered to you; And feel free to advertise on this list for
>   users to subscribe to it. That way, we both have focus for the two
>   projects.

AGREE. I think RSG is a BadThing for the official guide. I don't want to
offense Tom saying this, but when I answer I don't know if what I say it is
being considered by one guide or the other one. Perhaps it was something
even neccesary (without the RSG we could be discussing how to make the
Skeleton... I don't know), but there is no place for two SGs in the same


- yiyus

PS: I hadn't seen that mail from Tom to declare dead the RSG. I really
agree. The better which could have been done. As I have said before, it was
neccesary, but it isn't.

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