Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

* Bowie Poag
| On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Tom Vogt wrote:

| Granted, thats under your model. Not the UISG model. This proposal is for
| UISG Menu Line Standardization. What makes visual sense in terms of your
| project will often make no sense at all under the UISG, because having an
| -icon- next to -text- on the same functional plane breaks consistancy in a
| big way.

It seems to me that you already have decided this for yourself
Bowie. Is there really any point in this mailinglist if you are the
one who eventually decides everything?

Preben Randhol                    | Azh nazg durbataluk, azh nazg
Tlf    73940929/(735)94076 [arb]  | gimbatul. Azh nazg thrakataluk agh
Email            | burzum ishi krimpatul!      |                -- J. R. R. Tolkien

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