Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

On Thu, 6 Aug 1998, Armistead wrote:

> >Why not mandate that the edit menu be there anyway?  What if it pops down
> >and copy/paste/cut/clear/whatever are disabled?  It seems to me that a
> >disabled edit menu makes more sense because, as "consistency is king" (not
> >my phrase), it makes applications consisent.
> This is a good idea.

does everyone really want a totally disabled menu on an application with
absolutely no need for it? for example, gwmchoose is a small program that
allows you to pick a WM from a list of icons. it has no need for a menu, as
the "Start WM" and "Exit" buttons make up the entire functionality of the
program. if level 1 compliance requires an Edit menu for this program, then
we're taking consistency way too far.

(for those curious, gwmchoose will be added to the repository in a few days)
 _        _  __     __             _ _                                  _
|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
|       /    / // /  '_/ -_)        |         "Master of the Farce"      |
|_     /_/|_/\_,_/_/\_\\__/        _|_        _|

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