RE: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

> Time for me to step up and stop lurking in the shadows...
> Personally I find having both 'Options' -and- 'Preferences' to be
> confusing.  As some people have mentioned I think that perhaps
> 'Defaults' makes most sense to me.  Since this would apply the whole
> program, it seems logical to tuck it into the Program menu.


A) Hi. :)

B) Alot of people have expressed a little hesitancy to give a thumbs up to
   the presence of Options and Preferences on the menu line. This is why
   its presented as a proposal, and not law. :)
   Others have suggested exactly what you have -- Take Preferences off the
   line, and tuck it under Options or Program. We may end up doing that
   in the UISG if the consensus appears to be moving in this direction.


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