Re: org sheet

Scott Goehring <> wrote:
> Tom> we should discuss the question how far the style guide should
> Tom> involve itself with window managers.  I believe one of the most
> Tom> important strengths of gnome is it's wm independence. however, in
> Tom> the long run we will not be able to not ask more or less from the
> Tom> wms. 
> I believe that there is (or will be) a standard for what constitutes a
> GNOME-compliant WM.  (I don't know who is responsible for that.)  The
> style guide should allow an app to assume a GNOME-compliant WM; people
> who do not use compliant WMs get what they deserve. :)

agree with you so far, with one exception. it is that the style guide
should also make sure that apps don't BREAK with a non-compliant wm. they
might lose extended functionality and what else, but they should be useable.
if we don't assure that, a lot of user's whose favorite wm isn't compliant
will dump gnome and never have a second look.

> In theory, some of what is required to be a compliant WM may fall
> under the domain of the style guide, but I think most of the issues
> are technical rather than functional or aethestic.

true, yes. but we do extend into the realm of functionality a bit, don't we?
I mean, the arguments on the menubar, e.g., were mostly functional ones.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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