Re: PROPOSAL: UISG Menu Line Standardization

On Fri, 7 Aug 1998, Stephan Pfab wrote:
> >I believe Edit to be a mandatory item, as this is the logical place for all
> >cut&paste operations.  Every Gnome compliant application should have cut&paste
> >features.
> If it makes sense to copy&paste Edit should be there.
> But for applications where no copy&paste makes sense 
> no Edit menu is better than a empty one.
> (e.g. gnomines)

By what means?  I'm not disputing, I'm just asking for evidence/reasoning.

I suggest that an edit menu w/disabled items (or a disabled edit menu)
would make more sense.  It would indicate clearly to the user that "edit
is not available here" instead of "now where did that darn edit go."

The Macintosh did this for quite awhile and it didn't seem to hurt

william r. tipton

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