Re: Part of me is laughing, part of me is crying

"Bowie" == Bowie Poag <> writes:

Bowie> This is actually my job, since I was appointed by Frederico to
Bowie> head up this project. Tom apparently doesn't want to recognize
Bowie> my authority here.

YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY HERE.  Any "authority" that may have been
afforded you by Federico's introduction you have squandered through
your contempuous and insulting treatment of your peers.

Bowie> We're too busy arguing pathetic crap like whether or not we
Bowie> should be using a weenie picture of a footprint, use some
Bowie> bizzare word "Prog", or whatever. You call this progress?

It's a hell of a lot better than arguing over who is in charge, which
seems to be what you're doing.  At least arguing over menu title names
is a substantial issue.  Put your ego away for a while.

Bowie> The train is completely derailed here, just like I and others
Bowie> said it would.

If you ask me, it's derailed because your overweight ego pulled it off
the tracks.  By my lights, the biggest troublemaker in this project is
named Bowie J. Poag.  My gods, you're yelling at Tom for _trying to
make actual progress_!  

Bowie> Tom elected to disregard my advice. So, now he, and everyone
Bowie> else on the mailing list has to suffer for it? And you want
Bowie> THIS guy to head up a project? 

I'd rather have him head it up than you.  And the only person I see
really suffering because of Tom is you.  Tom's refusal to accept your
authority is really chewing up your ego, and it's driving you crazy.

Bowie, you have my absolute assurance that any style guide you craft
will be ignored by most, if not all, GNOME developers.  The rest of us
think this entire project is a joke, and that you're a first-rate
idiot.  Everything you do contributes to that perception.  You're
right up there with Albert Cahalan, Juhana Kouhia, and Martin Weber.
Congratulations.  Perhaps you'll even get an* newsgroup.

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