move discussion onwards ?

I don't like to make this proposal, but the more I think about it the more I
believe it's the right thing to do (tm).

I suggest everyone filter dan for two or three days.

we REALLY need to get to do something and dan is at this time a major source
of noise and working more against the group effort than providing input for
it. I don't know how he got in that corner, but it's obvious that he can't
get out of there anymore. so a few days and changed topics would give him
the opportunity to start contributing again.
in addition, he's constantly bringing up new topics, and I guess I'm not the
only one lost by now to what exactly we're talking about here. I believe we
have reached the point where we just have to hit the brakes, stop, sort
things a bit and then go anew.

an alternative is that we close the list down for a few days and just think
for ourselves, then return. this would have a similiar effect but is imho
much more difficult to realize.

I'll try to push some constructive movement by putting up a structure during
the next few hours. due to the automated poll cycles of this system, you
will nevertheless have about 5 hours of time before you get it. enough to
shoot your flames at me for being such an asshole and all, and then return
to some serious work.

Those who do not understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly.
		-- Henry Spencer

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