Re: New mockup of the gnome menu.

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Dan Kaminsky wrote:

> > Well, I just did a little informal tests in the office.  (I went
> >up to people and said:  Looking at the picture of this application, how
> >would you quit the program?)  EVERYONE said the footprint.  The president
> >of the company was a little confused by the whole thing...  But then he
> >admitted that he had trouble with the apple menu too.  :^)
> Interesting.  You didn't show them the screenshot with the print
> highlighted, didja?  If this is true, further testing is appropriate.
> I think it's worthwhile, by the way, to have both the gnomeprint and the
> file menu contain the "exit" command.  I just don't want to move most of
> File's functionality to the 'print, nor remove exit from File.
> By the way--did you ask everyone at the same time?  Or did one person say
> "print" and everyone else said "yeah!"
> Not to knock your research.  Just checkin'.

	Okay.  I've asked a number of other people.  And results were not
as encouraging.  Here's a sample conversion:

	Me: How would you quit this application?
	LR: I'd click FILE.
	< I show them the mockup with the file menu >
	Me: This is what you'd see.  Now what?
	LR: I'd click the 'X' up at the top.
	Me: Well, that would quit.  But let's ignore that.  How would you
	LR: I don't know.  And if the 'X' wouldn't work, I don't know what
	    I'd do.
	< I show the mockup with the tool tip >
	Me: Does that help at all?
	LR: What's GNOME?
	Me: ...I explain...
	LR: I'd think that the quit in the GNOME menu would quit all
            of GNOME.  That little door icon would make me think that 
	Me: What if the quit said: Quit Electric Eyes?  
	LR: That would help a lot.

	So!  Here are the NEW mockups!  

	Application without any tooltips or menus
	Application with file menu selected

	Application with tooltip, but no menus

	Application with old GNOME menu selected

	Application with NEW GNOME menu selected

	Anyway, do your own tests.  See what people say.  I'm curious now.
I really like the idea, but if people can't figure this out, and it seems
too awkward I guess it isn't a good idea.

	OH!  As a side note, netscape has tear off menus now...


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