Re: New mockup of the gnome menu.

> Well, I just did a little informal tests in the office.  (I went
>up to people and said:  Looking at the picture of this application, how
>would you quit the program?)  EVERYONE said the footprint.  The president
>of the company was a little confused by the whole thing...  But then he
>admitted that he had trouble with the apple menu too.  :^)

Interesting.  You didn't show them the screenshot with the print
highlighted, didja?  If this is true, further testing is appropriate.

I think it's worthwhile, by the way, to have both the gnomeprint and the
file menu contain the "exit" command.  I just don't want to move most of
File's functionality to the 'print, nor remove exit from File.

By the way--did you ask everyone at the same time?  Or did one person say
"print" and everyone else said "yeah!"

Not to knock your research.  Just checkin'.

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