"Dan Kaminsky" <> wrote:
>I will ask my test subjects this question:  "If you press quit, and the
>application has unsaved files in memory, should it ask you if it should save
>them or should it destroy your work?"  Oh boy I wonder what the response
>will be ;-)

Would rather give me $100 or $1000 ?

Your question has a least two problems:

  a) The difference between memory and harddisk is a complete
     miracles to new users.

  b) There are more possibilites to what happens on quit.
     I can think about 4 right now.

The way you ask this question you'll only here what you want to here.
This is a typical statistics problem and in general  not easy to solve.



A poll showed that Germans do not have an interesting sex life.
The questions were asked ot the door, with neighbours and
rest of family watching.

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