sun <> wrote:
> if a person pointed to a box in real life and told me that inside it was
> a graphics file, i would envision a file _folder_ with a _collection_ of
> artwork or graphic designs. same with "document file." neither are
> applicable in this case. what's an "office file?" wouldn't "document,"
> "spreadsheet," "database," "presentation," or "report" more accurately
> describe what each is? and "project file" is simply too ambiguous. i'm
> serious, you know: say what you mean, mean what you say. there are
> concrete terms available for all of these things, and no excuses for not
> using them.

and the 10 heuristics support you on that one. I think we're at the point
where we reached a general agreement here, even if one of us does not join.

> > Main is catch all.  Program is catch all.  File is VERY specific:  Input
> > Output Belongs Here.  (Note--document defaults are a form of input.)
> so is your "file->quit" command considered data input our output? ;)
> <gotcha>

yeah, it is. the app gets put out of memory. };)))

(sorry dan, cnr)

> i disagree. the only items that should go into tmfkap are commands which
> influence the whole application.
can we call it "Program" even if it shows an icon? we should have a common

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