Re: irc summary

>Try to be more specific.  When you say "dump C1 through C5" it
>sounds like you mean dump the entire 5-level compliancy rating
>system.  I'm quite sure that's not what you mean.  You want to
>call it something different, yet keep the existing meanings of
>it, right?

Keep existing meanings, drop the phrasing.

>I agree, especially if C2 is already an existing conformance
>standard.  I sort of like the Cx convention, because it's quick &
>concise (not to mention it was part of my original proposal). 
>However, down the line the terminology could become confusing.  I
>don't think we should use "Level 1" either, because that is too
>generic.  I chose "C" because that makes it easy to remember that
>it stands for "compliance".  "Level" gives no inherent indication
>of what it's a level of.

Agreed.  Why not:

GNOME Mandated(GM)
GNOME Required(GR)
GNOME Desired(GD)
GNOME Optional(GO)
GNOME Theoretical(GT)

Or just plain old Gnome Compliant 1-5 works too.

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