Re: Mockups

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Tom Vogt wrote:

> sun <> wrote:
> > gosh, why am i having such a hard time with this? i've taught a lot of
> > people how to use computers... i've never run into this one before.
> actually, you're not having a hard time at all, and are making perfect sense
> to me and those I talked to in e-mail. it's just that dan sits on his thing
> even more than I  did on "Prog". :)
> > the first menu, which i have called the "application menu," which has
> > previously been called the "prog menu" and which shall heretofore be
> > known by me as "the menu formerly known as prog" (we love you, tom)
> it's "Program" now. I'm still against an icon (no matter what icon), and it
> seems the majority shares that view. but a final judgement has not been made
> as far as I see it.

you have a point. i agree that "Program" is probably the best idea. still, i
think it should be on the right next to "Help"
 _        _  __     __             _ _                                  _
|        / |/ /_ __/ /_____         |       Nuke Skyjumper               |
|       /    / // /  '_/ -_)        |         "Master of the Farce"      |
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