-----Original Message-----
From: Preben Randhol <>
To: Dan Kaminsky <>
Cc: <>
Date: Monday, August 03, 1998 4:39 AM
Subject: Re: RSG

>* "Dan Kaminsky" <
>| I've been doing some research on the concept of screenplays, bringing it
>| to standard users.  Once they figure out what it is, they *REALLY* react
>| well to the concept.  "Finally, I don't have to figure out what the hell
>| those damn docs are trying to tell me!"  I'm hearing that pretty much
>| unanimously.
>:) My point was that if this is the _only_ reason why gnome became
>popular I wouldn't give much for it :) I mean if you say one of the
>reasons then ... :)

Ah.  Small misunderstanding.  I DO think that newbies will go nuts over this
feature though.  Experts too, by the way--I can imagine quite a few
EXCELLENT DDD tutorials, can't you?  Much easier just to *use* DDD than
document a step by step, when the user probably doesn't even have the
original app.

>Anyhow I still don't like the idea of having to watch a video every
>time I need help. And I am still very concerned about the disc
>usage. It would require a good gfx card and a sound card I guess? I
>like the idea that linux should run and use max of old computers'
>powers and not go into the rat race with M$ for bigger and bigger
>machines. I'd like to only upgrade every 4-5 years not every second

CPU usage?  No higher than showing the original app...Xlab records X, so if
your computer could display the stuff once, it should be able to continually
display it.  Disk usage?  This is an unknown quantity as of yet...hopefully
the core animations can be ripped out of the original executable?  I dunno.
Size?  Well, as we agreed on the list earlier, this ain't stuff that should
be integrated in the binary, but who knows, from the user response I'm
seeing on this, LyX could be made more usable than Word by sheer nature of
the learnability factor.

Lets not forget the long distance training and "here's what you're doing
wrong" ability.

No sound card required, though voiced demos AREN'T a terrible concept.  You
realize speech can be shoved into 1200bps now?

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