Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
> Tom, so let me get this straight.  You're telling me we should close off
> developments to the public because they wouldn't understand, they'd argue
> against an incomplete document, and they'd generally make a ruckus before it
> was appropriate?!?

not in the very least.

may I ask you for two small favors?

first, calm down a bit. this is on the edge of degenerating into a flamewar
and such a thing would help nobody.

second, I'd like to speak with bowie and quote the interface hall of shame
where it says: "if you assume, you make an ass out of u and me". please
don't assume things I never said, which I even spoke out against.

and now, if you want to read a very good argument on why the irc conference
is considered not the best possible choice, read gleefs mail. I tried to say
something very similiar to him, but as it seems I was not able to get my
points across all I can do is point to his mail.

The universe does not have laws -- it has habits, and habits can be broken.

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