Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Vogt <>
To: <>
Date: Saturday, August 01, 1998 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: Proposal for First Draft of GNOME Style Guide 1.1

>Dan Kaminsky <> wrote:
>> >if that's the intent, then I'm more clear now. the announcement sounded
>> like
>> >"the work" would be done in irc. and the list, hm, yes.
>> Tom, the conference was announced on freshmeat and slashdot.  You *have*
>> heard of the Slashdot Effect, haven't you?  :-)
>I have, being a regular /. reader.
>however, it will mean there will be about 2k people there, half of them
>to look, half of the rest without any real interest in gnome or user
>interface, half of the interested without a clue in both and so on.
>whereas on the list everyone knows WHY he's there and what it's all about.

Tom, so let me get this straight.  You're telling me we should close off
developments to the public because they wouldn't understand, they'd argue
against an incomplete document, and they'd generally make a ruckus before it
was appropriate?!?

Where have we heard these arguments before?

Anyway, I like your RSG, excellent work, it looks like it has potential.
It's alot of what I've been thinking the final framework is going to need to
have.  There are a few bugs though, but I'll wait till I see the other
framework to go over them.

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