Re: The Help Menu

On Fri, 31 Jul 1998, Bowie Poag wrote:

> > Bowie Poag wrote:
> > > <Stuff about "About" snipped>
> > >
> > > A simple little Gnome Footprint present in the menu bar of each apps
> > > window would do the trick nicely, at first thought. I'm open to
> > > suggestions. Even yours, Tom. ;) hee
> > > 
> > 
> > I think it would be bad to over-use the GNOMEprint in such a fashion. It
> > already has a use, which is to signify menus/drawers on the panel.
> > "About" should stay under help, because (1) that is where it has always
> > been, and (2) knowing the copyright and version info is a form of
> > "Help." Besides, do we have to flaunt convention simply because we can?
> > 
> > M.Watson <>
> Hmm.. Well, I agree. Simply from an aesthetic standpoint, overuse of the
> footprint would be a bad idea. Agreed. :)
> However.. Continuing to throw "About.." under Help, simply because "its
> always been done that way" may be a mistake. Sure, traditionally, thats
> always where it has ended up -- But think about it, for a second. Does it
> really belong there? How does selecting "About.." effectively *HELP* you?

It tells the user what version they are using, so they know if a problem
they are having is due to being an old version.  It could easily (and
often has been) expanded to give information about the program
environment (eg. how much free memory is left), giving clues to why a
program misbehaves.  It gives the contact information of the program
maintainter to obtain further assistance in using the program.

I find About very helpful.  I find it particularly helpful when assisting
others in using their machines.  I would certainly classify it as a form
of Help.

> It doesn't. :)  See?

No, I don't see.  Asking a question and assuming an answer is bad form if
you are right.  It is particularly bad form if it is something you know
people will disagree with.

> It belongs in the here-to-for unnamed "Program/Gnome/(foot)" menu. :)

I disagree, it belongs in Help, where people know to look for it, and
where people will look for it.

Very few people care about looking about the About screen until there is a
problem.  Solutions to problems belong under Help.


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