Style Guide

Hello people,

I have an idea that will prevent splinter efforts, etc.  I think, *for
now*, the style guide should contain all of the options that seem
feasible.  As the guide develops, I think it will become obvious which
is the better option further down the track.

Perhaps an "options list" would be a better name for the moment.  What
I think needs to happen is all of the arguments and ideas need to be in
one place before a decision is made.  For example - that Gnome logo on
the menu bar:  in future, we may find that the only thing that ever ends
up there is the "about" option.  If that's the case, its a stupid idea.
On the other hand, other things might end up in there (eg:  auto-load on
startup, or something).  I think time needs to be given to different
options to see how they develop.

Andrew Clausen

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