Re: [gnome-gl] [Fwd: GNOME i18n survey]

2010/8/15 Fran Dieguez <listas mabishu com>:
> Ola rapaces,
> recibín este enquérito desde GNOME para obter información do sistema de
> traballo que temos todos os grupos de tradución de GNOME.
> Se tedes calquera suxestión enviade por aquí e anéxoa ao enquérito.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gil Forcada <gforcada gnome org>
> To: gnome-i18n <gnome-i18n gnome org>
> Date: Fri, 13 Aug 2010 23:49:30 +0200
> Subject: GNOME i18n survey
> Hi happy GNOME language coordinator!
> The GNOME i18n team (which you are part of) wants to know better each
> other [1], that way we can improve the overall experience of translating
> It has been decided to run a small survey[2] which is attached on this
> email.
> We would appreciate to send it back to gforcada gnome org within two
> weeks (just before the GNOME 2.32 string freeze scheduled for August
> 30th).
> Don't hesitate to contact me or the GNOME i18n mailinglist [3] with any
> question you come up while filling the survey and also to give feedback
> on the survey itself.
> Happy translating,
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

# Team information
    * Which translation team are you coordinating?
    * How many active translators does your team have?
Seremos como media ducia, non?
    * Which profile do the translators have, are they mostly hackers,
linguists, a mix?
Hackers, linguistas e todo o contrario
    * Are all your team members volunteers?
Case todos diria eu
          o If any of your team members are paid for the translation
work, by which kind of organization/institution?
A Fran páganlle, creo, pero non sei se por traducir
    * How do you spread the word to get new contributors?
Pois o certo é que están os choios que fixo a OSLUSC, e algunhas
charlas na UDC, na XGN...
          o Have you gone to universities/high schools to reach new blood?

# Coordinator and membership
    * Are you subscribed to the gnome-i18n and devel-announce-list
mailing lists?
          o If not, why?
Non, non teño tempo para tanta trapallada, prefiro que o coordinador
me filtre o importante xa que despois de todo tampouco colaboro tanto
    * Which communication channels do you use to coordinate
translation activities?
Rolda de correo, IM, IRC, cara a cara...
    * What is the process of accepting new members to your team?
Que traduzan minimamente ben
    * Is there any particular area related to your team or language in
which you need advice or help?
Non sei, ideas?

# Workflow
    * Do you run translation jams, marathons or other translation events?
Creo que non moito, non?
    * How do you translate each GNOME release? Do you start just after
the string freeze or do you weekly/monthly do some translation work?
Eu diria que weekly os que mais traballan, o resto son colaboracións
puntuais que non teñen por que estar relacionadas co string freeze
    * Which programs or utilities do you use for translation?
Lokalize e Poedit

# Q&A
    * Does your team have translation guidelines, glossaries and/or
translation memories?
Si, das tres cousas, pero algunhas son claramente mellorables
    * Does your team use any methods to keep track of translation
problems in your language?
    * How does your team review translations?
Outro tradutor que lle bota un ollo e comprobacións automáticas
(scripts) se non lembro mal
          o What process do you follow when reviewing?
Coller un ficheiro e ir mirando cadea a cadea a ver se a tradución se
corresponde co estilo recomendado, terminoloxía recomendada, se a
tradución está se corresponde co significado do orixinal...
    * Have you talked with your language official institution about
the terminology, tone and way to translate computer software?
Creo que aquí non fixemos moito, nonsi?
    * Do you run technical QA checks (such as the translation-toolkit
pofilter tool)?
Ata certo punto si, ainda que non nos viria mal de todo un cursiño

# Damned Lies
    * Does your team use it?
          o Rating it from 1 (bad) to 5 (good), how would you evaluate
the Damned Lies helpfulness in accomplishing your tasks?
Eu case preferiria algo como o Transifex, pero en xeral fan o mesmo
    * Is there anything you would like to be implemented in it (i.e.
automatic glossaries)?
Non entendo isto, para que se queren glosarios: é para realizar
comprobacións automáticas das traducións subidas ou é que teñen
pensado implementar unha sinxela interface web para realizar
traducións como fixeron no Transifex?

# Downstream
    * What downstream translation teams (i.e. Ubuntu, Fedora,
openSUSE...) do you have contacts with?
Ubuntu, estou en openSUSE, pero tampouco vexo que sexa necesaria tanta
coordinación xa que moitas traducións de GNOME non usan. Outro conto
éche o KDE
          o Which kind of relation do you have with the appropriate
downstream teams?
Compartimos tradutores e comunicámonos a miúdo con eles.

# Misc
    * Do you have a centralized place for translators of your language
for coordination, communication and/or knowledge sharing?
Temos o proxecto Trasno, o metaproxecto
    * Is there anything else you would like to add, not covered by the
previous questions?
Non se me ocorre nada
    * Would you agree with your answers or part of them being
published online (e.g. on the GNOME Live! wiki)?
Non hai problema

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