Fwd: GUADEC 2013 - concerning potential Lyon bid


Pour info - j'ai envoyé ce mail au Board aujourd'hui - ma façon à moi de gentillement rappeler que demander aux gens de se presser alors que tu as pris 5 mois pour faire une annonce n'est pas très sympa.

Je n'ai pas de temps à consacrer à un dossier GUADEC d'ici la rentrée, au plus tôt. Est-ce qu'il y a d'autres qui voudraient prendre le relai pour une proposition à Lyon (au quel cas, je peux recontacter l'ALDIL & PLOSS-RA et on rempile avec la proposition de l'année dernière) ou faire une proposition ailleurs en France? Je soutiendrai une proposition, et je répondrai présent le cas echéant pour participer à l'organisation.

Voilà - j'attends vos réponses. S'il y a un leader pour Lyon, je serai derrière lui, sinon, tant pis.


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: GUADEC 2013 - concerning potential Lyon bid
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2012 11:04:58 +0200
From: Dave Neary <dneary gnome org>
To: board-list gnome org


I just caught up with the announcements and call for hosts for GUADEC
2013 today, after travelling last week.

I just saw that your deadline for submissions is July 20th, and you
expect bids to present to the board during GUADEC. Since I will not be
at GUADEC this year, and have no time I can spare to work on a Lyon bid
in the coming 3 weeks, I will likely not be in a position to submit a
bid this year.

The only way I could do so is to re-submit, unchanged, the bid we
submitted last year - and to do that I will need to ensure that we still
have the support of the people who were committed last year. And since I
have started a new job, and am a lot less flexible than I was last year,
someone else would need to take the lead on the project.

With a few months lead time for a bid this might have been possible, but
with 3 weeks it is not very likely. Honestly, I think that the
foundation should have better handled the announcement of the decision
not to do a Desktop Summit.

I'm only speaking for myself - I will bring up the possibility of a
French bid with GNOME fr and we'll see what happens.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member
dneary gnome org
Jabber: nearyd gmail com

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