Re: [gnome-flashback] gnome-window-applets


On Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 5:32 AM, Gabriel Finkelstein <gabrielfinkelstein gmail com> wrote:
I was sad to find out that my favorite applets, window-button and window-title did not work anymore in 16.04, so I decided to try and fix them. So, what I did is port them to GSettings and libpanel-applet, and apparently now they work. I'm sharing the code in case someone else is interested in them.

Thanks. I was already opened a bug under gnome-applets :

Although now it is not a part of gnome-applets it is still very useful and can be maintained on github/launchpad as a third-party applets. As you already started porting could you please comment on the bug report? 

I don't know much C, and absolutely nothing of gnome / applet development, so I just repeated what I saw in other applets' porting. The only thing that I could not port is the window-buttons preference called "Hide compiz decoration for maximized windows", which I did not know how to fix, so I just disabled it.

I don't know...but from ccsm->window-decoration, I used to modify  "any" to "!(state=maxhorz and state=maxvert" to make it work.


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