[gnome-flashback] Could somebody port netspeed to use gsettings ?

Hi all,
It seems netspeed will not work anymore soon (as and when GNOME 3.16
starts coming in Debian/Jessie+1 or even before that) due to finding
of deprecated functionality found in netspeed. Please see
https://bugs.debian.org/772619 . I use netspeed exclusively with
gnome-flashback and do want to help out as and when new versions of
gnome components come in experimental. Because of the above issue, I
cannot upgrade gnome-applets as well as gnome-panel as gnome-applets
is dependant on netspeed and I don't want to remove/purge netspeed.

Upstream is dead as can be seen via
https://git.gnome.org/browse/netspeed/ . The only new commit was a
language translation which happened this year, apart from that there
seems to be nothing  happening. I also asked Vicent Vutz, the primary
committer on the package but haven't heard from him.

I don't want to use the ability to use netspeed as it's a small
applet, simply works and doesn't use much computing resources unlike
other alternatives.

Looking forward to hear something positive.
          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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