Re: [gnome-flashback] End session dialog improvements


On Sat, Oct 18, 2014 at 1:58 AM, Balló György <ballogyor gmail com> wrote:

I created the following patches for the end session dialog:

1. Add support for suspend and hibernate with logind. This adds
'Suspend', 'Hibernate' and 'Hybrid Sleep' buttons to the shutdown
dialog if logind is available on the system, and the user is allowed
for these actions.

I agree that we should add these options, but I would like this to be done in different way.

1) GNOME Flashback.
1.2) Update update_dialog_text, setup_dialog for new actions.
1.3) Update inhibit_dialog_response to emit confirmed for new actions
1.4) Update org.gnome.SessionManager.EndSessionDialog.xml:
1.4.1) Update summary for dialog types - 3 for .., 4 for ..., 5 for.
1.4.2) Add new signals - ConfirmedHibernate, ConfirmedSuspend, ConfirmedHybridSleep

2) GNOME Panel.
Did not think much here but I think that we should do something like this.
2.1) First i think we should update panel-session-manager.
2.1.1) Add new proxy for communication directly with EndSessionDialog. Should connect to new signals ConfirmedHibernetate, ConfirmedSuspend, ConfirmedHybridSleep.
2.1.2) Add new functions that will return if these new options are available to user. Just like panel_session_manager_is_shutdown_available.
2.1.3) Add new functions to request new actions. Just like panel_session_manager_request_shutdown, but only using end session dialog proxy and calling directly Open method.
2.1.4) Update user-menu. Here I want see ubuntu style - all available options should be shown here. - Logout, Reboot, Shutdown, Hibernate, Suspend, Hybrid Sleep.

I would like to leave end-session-dialog for only showing dialog to confirm or cancel action. Also I do not like adding extra buttons to dialog.

What do you think about this?

2. Fall back to real name if user name is empty. This follows the same
logic what is used in GNOME Panel to display the user name on the user

Ok, added to master.

And I have a question. Why did you comment out the GDesktopAppInfo
part of the inhibit dialog code? Currently all applications are listed
with the ugly "image-missing" icon.

Thanks for reminding. It was using some functions from gnome-session gsm-utils.c and at that time I did not want to copy them so I just commented out that part of code.

Alberts Muktupāvels

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