Re: [gnome-flashback] Broken parts of GNOME Flashback with GNOME 3.12

2014-10-10 1:19 GMT+02:00 Alberts Muktupāvels <alberts muktupavels gmail com>:

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Balló György <ballogyor gmail com> wrote:

notification-daemon is unmaintained and it is crashing at least on
14.10. Is not there any alternative that is still maintained? What GNOME
using for notifications? Something built-in in GNOME Shell?

I fixed the crash[1], and I fixed also handling long notification
text[2], so it works quite well on my system. I may try to fix
deprecations if someone would review and merge my patches. Personally
I prefer this project over other implementations
(mate-notification-daemon, notify-osd, xfce4-notifyd), because it
keeps unread notifications on the system tray, and it was originally
designed for GNOME fallback mode, so it would be essential to use it
also in GNOME Flashback. GNOME Shell has a built-in notification


How about integrating notification-daemon in gnome-flashback module?

I would prefer keeping it as a separated component, because it can be
used also in other desktop environments. But I think it should be part
of the GNOME Flashback project along with gnome-applets,
gnome-flashback, gnome-panel, gnome-screensaver, metacity and

György Balló
Arch Linux Trusted User

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