Introduction for Season of Docs 2020


My name is Rafael Fontenelle (known by nick 'rafaelff'). I have
bachelor degree in Computer Science, and I'm currently working on I.T.
for Brazilian government.

Some might know me from Brazilian Portuguese translation team. I've
been contributing to Brazilian Portuguese translation for docs and UI
in several free and open source projects. I have now 9 years of
contribution to GNOME translation :)

I have great experience in Git and GitLab request workflow as I use
them for submitting translations and other tech contributions. Writing
Mallard docs is something I'm not very experienced though; I made some
fixes to Mallard docs, most of them about typographic errors. But
surely I can handle it.

While translation represents most of my contributions, I wrote and
maintain the [1][2][3] pages in Arch Linux wiki, mostly as the only
contributor. My username in there is Josephgbr[4].

To contribute to GNOME documentation is an itch I've been willing to
scratch for some time, and the GSoD seems to me as great opportunity
for improving my curriculum vitae at the same time I make more
contributions. Even more: contribute to a different area, to learn
more and to broaden my horizons.

Reading the news in[5], I would be mostly interested in
working in the "Update app help" and "Content audit and gap analysis
for gnome-help" ideas, but I'm not sure whether it is a exhaustive
list, so open to suggestions.

Best regards,
Rafael Fontenelle


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