including system icons in help docs

Hi all,

Is it possible to include system icons in Yelp docs without shipping a copy of them?

Per[0], Geary's help manual needs to refer to accessing a secondary menu button, but that doesn't have a text label in the UI, just the standard icon (i.e. currently `︙`). So it would be better to show the icon in the docs instead/as well. I could just ship the Adwaita icon SVG, but the icon actually used in the UI like will change depending on the current configured desktop icon theme, so it would be better to use the icon loaded from the system.

I don't suppose there is a system-icon URI scheme that I could use for the icon's source, is there? If so, would that also work if the docs end up being published to the GNOME docs site?


[0] - <>

⊨ Michael Gratton, Percept Wrangler.
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