Re: yelp-build misses .stack file

On 2019-06-12 19:10, Shaun McCance wrote:
On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 16:23 +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
When using yelp-build to convert Mallard files to HTML, this message
shows up:

warning: failed to load external entity "file://.../gnome-

Wondering if someone possibly can explain what it means and/or advise
on whether it can be ignored.

yelp-tools version: 3.32.0
Weird. I thought I fixed this:

But it looks like it's still there in some cases. I'll fix it and roll
a 3.32.2. You can safely ignore it. If it super bothers you, you can
pass $dir/*.page instead of just $dir to yelp-build.

Long version: stacks are a not-yet-final new Mallard feature that allow
you to put multiple pages in a single file and do a few handy things
across those pages. To support them, yelp-build also looks for *.stack
when given a directory. But globs in bare sh are weird, and if you're
not careful you get warnings like what you're seeing.
Thanks for your quick response! No, given that explanation it doesn't 
bother me at all. Will keep ignoring it until 3.32.2 lands in Ubuntu.
Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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