Re: yelp-build misses .stack file

On Wed, 2019-06-12 at 16:23 +0200, Gunnar Hjalmarsson wrote:
When using yelp-build to convert Mallard files to HTML, this message 
shows up:

warning: failed to load external entity "file://.../gnome-

Wondering if someone possibly can explain what it means and/or advise
whether it can be ignored.

yelp-tools version: 3.32.0

Weird. I thought I fixed this:

But it looks like it's still there in some cases. I'll fix it and roll
a 3.32.2. You can safely ignore it. If it super bothers you, you can
pass $dir/*.page instead of just $dir to yelp-build.

Long version: stacks are a not-yet-final new Mallard feature that allow
you to put multiple pages in a single file and do a few handy things
across those pages. To support them, yelp-build also looks for *.stack
when given a directory. But globs in bare sh are weird, and if you're
not careful you get warnings like what you're seeing.


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