Thoughts on tagging docs issues in GitLab

Hi all,

GNOME has begun a slow migration to GitLab. This includes using GitLab
instead of Bugzilla for bugs going forward. We need to figure out a way
to get a handle on docs bugs across projects.

GitLab issues don't have components like Bugzilla, so it doesn't have
any sort of per-component default assignee that we can abuse to assign
things to the docs team. Instead, we have labels. Luckily, you can
search for labels across projects.[]=documentation

That's all issues tagged with "documentation" across any project under
the GNOME group. The "documentation" tag is one of the prepopulated
tags that GitLab recommends.

Standardized tag names for docs will help us a lot. Heck, we never did
manage to get standardized component names for docs in Bugzilla. If we
get out in front of this thing, we can do better.

I would be perfectly happy with the preopulated "documentation" tag,
except that it's going to get used for both user and developer docs.
There are generally two completely different collections of eyeballs
looking at those lists.

What about "userdocs" and "develdocs"? Or (uglier) "docsuser" and
"docsdevel" so they sort together and show up in a list where you'd
expect to see "docs" or "documentation"?



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