If we tried to make a Bugzilla query for documentation components easier(ignoring the "documentation" keyword), a first step might be to reduce
the number of different names for the same component.
Below is a quick and dirty list.
- need to remove those projects where GNOME documentation team does
not maintain the documentation instead of the project developers
(sounds like a candidate for quick Etherpad editing at Hackfest)
- need to remove projects which are dead / unmaintained because we
don't care (I might have a script somewhere left for that I think)
- need guidelines for project maintainers on component naming (though
they might be ignored of course) as maintainers can create
components themselves in our Bugzilla setup
- wondering whether something like "Dev Docs" vs "User Docs" might
make sense (but that would mean a large renaming, plus people might
search for the term "Doc..." in the component list?)