Re: Doc team related stuff in Bugzilla

On Thu, 2014-01-23 at 16:44 +0000, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
On 23 January 2014 16:35, Andre Klapper <ak-47 gmx net> wrote:

It's hackfest time so I tried to come up with half-useful Bugzilla
queries (though six different component names, Bugzilla's technical
inabilities, our 63 ways to tag something as docs related, plus devel
vs. user docs don't make it easy).
I think working on reducing that number would be a good goal for the
hackfest. I have found that our oodles of different ways to mark docs
bugs as docs is quite confusing for newcomers. Sindhu did a good job
of triaging some of the bugs last year, but I think we should make a
push to keep them a bit more under control in general.
If we tried to make a Bugzilla query for documentation components easier
(ignoring the "documentation" keyword), a first step might be to reduce
the number of different names for the same component.

Below is a quick and dirty list.
- need to remove those projects where GNOME documentation team does 
  not maintain the documentation instead of the project developers
  (sounds like a candidate for quick Etherpad editing at Hackfest)
- need to remove projects which are dead / unmaintained because we
  don't care (I might have a script somewhere left for that I think)
- need guidelines for project maintainers on component naming (though
  they might be ignored of course) as maintainers can create
  components themselves in our Bugzilla setup
- wondering whether something like "Dev Docs" vs "User Docs" might 
  make sense (but that would mean a large renaming, plus people might
  search for the term "Doc..." in the component list?)

Comments? I think I'll grab some plane now.

doc (3):
* dia
* libpeas
* nanny

docs (57):
* aisleriot
* at-spi
* atk
* banshee
* baobab
* beast
* bug-buddy
* encompass
* file-roller
* GConf
* gconf-editor
* gdm
* gedit
* gftp
* glib
* gnome-applets
* gnome-calculator
* gnome-desktop
* gnome-doc-utils
* gnome-games
* gnome-mud
* gnome-netstatus
* gnome-nettool
* gnome-panel
* gnome-pm
* gnome-print
* gnome-terminal
* gnome-utils
* gnome-vfs-extras
* gnomeradio
* Gnomoradio
* gnopernicus
* gnorpm
* gok
* goobox
* gparted
* gpdf
* gtetrinet
* gtkglarea
* gtkglext
* gtkglext
* gtop
* gucharmap
* guile-gnome
* libunique
* libwnck
* libxml2
* pango
* pessulus
* pygoocanvas
* seahorse
* sound-juicer
* system-monitor
* ToutDoux
* xchat-gnome
* xmlsec
* zenity

Docs (2):
* billreminder
* gnome-vfs

documentation (37):
* accerciser
* anjuta
* bluefish
* doxygen
* eog
* folks
* geary
* gexiv2
* glade
* glibmm
* gnome-boxes
* gnome-commander
* gnome-documents
* gnome-klotski
* gnome-mag
* gnome-mahjongg
* gnome-mines
* gnome-robots
* gnome-tetravex
* gnote
* goocanvas
* GStreamer
* gtkmm
* gtranslator
* libchamplain
* libgnomecanvas
* libgnomedb
* libsigc++
* lsr
* orbit-cpp
* pangomm
* pygobject
* pygtk
* shotwell
* Silky
* swell-foop
* totem

Documentation (35):
* bakery
* bijiben
* bounties
* clutter
* cogl
* conglomerate
* deskbar-applet
* ekiga
* epiphany
* fast-user-switch-applet
* galeon
* giggle
* gnome-chess
* gnome-db
* gnome-directory-thumbnailer
* gnome-video-arcade
* GnuCash
* Gnumeric
* gossip
* gtk+
* hitori
* lampadas
* libgda
* libgsf
* libxml++
* medusa
* mergeant
* nautilus
* NetworkManager
* pitivi
* planner
* rhythmbox
* Tomboy
* vala
* vinagre

documentation and translation (1):
* conduit

help (1):
* cheese

Help (1):

User documentation (1):
* evince

User Documentation (1):
* Evolution

User Guide (1):
* empathy

user-faq (1), user-guide (1):
* gnome-user-docs

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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