Re: Next (winter) docs hackfest?

On 19/11/2014, Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com> wrote:
On 29/09/2014, Ekaterina Gerasimova <kittykat3756 gmail com> wrote:
Hi all

Last year, we had our "winter" hackfest in Norwich, UK, in the week
leading up to FOSDEM. I remember that there was some interest in
proposing new locations, and the venue at Norwich is also available

I think that it would make most sense to do something similar in terms
of timing again, unless someone objects. That would make the hackfest
dates sometime around 24th-29th of January.

I don't think that the Foundation would be able to sponsor the
hackfest, so I would like you all to think about whether you would be
able to attend without sponsorship and where would  the best location
for the hackfest be.

I would like to offer Norwich again, the features are:
- free venue at UEA (University of East Anglia) with reasonable internet
- we can offer at least 8 free sleeping places (possibly more
depending on how cosy you want to get and how many favours we can call
- other accommodation is available for £25-50 (depending on location
and single/double rooms)
- cheapest airport is Stansted, but Norwich is very close
- transport to Heathrow/Gatwick is easy (but a bit pricey)
- it is possible to take the train from western Europe

If anyone else is willing to propose a location, please do so as soon
as possible because cheap flight and train tickets are already being
sold for those dates.
There is talk of a "developer experience" hackfest in January in
Cambridge. Would anyone object to moving the docs hackfest to that
location and possibly adjusting the dates slightly?

Some of those who are being asked to the DX hackfest did attend the
docs one last year, so rather than making people chose one of the two
it seems to make more sense to combine them. What do you think?
Hi all, the venue has been confirmed to be the Collabora offices in
Cambridge. The dates remain the same.

I have proposed user docs as the focus for this hackfest because when
the documentation was being updated for the 3.14 release, it became
quite clear that the user docs are falling further and further behind
with every release. We were able to get the docs into passable
condition with the help of the translators, but even now they are far
from perfect.

I think that unless we have a drive to update them for the 3.15/3.16
release cycle, then the documentation will actually be outdated by the
next release. Apart from gnome-help which needs a large review, many
applications have help that has either not been checked for the recent
releases or is known to be outdated.

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