Re: Docs Status

On 5 December 2014 at 21:07, Shaun McCance <shaunm gnome org> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm working on generalizing the page-level status tracking we've used
for a few years now to get buy-in from some other projects on a common
documentation lifecycle. Recall ours looks like this:

And it got non-normatively memorialized in the Mallard spec:

All of you have been using this for a while now, so I'd like to solicit
feedback on it to see how it could be improved, as well as what works
well right now. Bullet list of questions:

* Are there any statuses on the list you never use?

* Do you find yourself wanting a status that's not on the list? I know
we've used a few ad-hoc statuses at hackfests, but I can't remember what
we used them for.

* Are any statuses confusingly named? I remember "review" wasn't very
popular because it's not an adjective. It's really "ready for review",
but I wanted a succinct word.

* Are any statuses otherwise poorly named? I remember Jim didn't like
"outdated" because it was demotivating to have all your stuff called
outdated once you release. That might be a place for an additional
status. One for "need to check if this is up to date" and one for "we
checked and we know it ain't".
My more ideal workflow would generally go along the lines of none ->
draft/toreview (i.e. ready for review) -> candidate (i.e. ready for
final review) -> final -> outdated

I find that I currently don't really use "stub", "draft" and
"incomplete" as I tend to keep the pages as .page.stub until they are
ready for a review because we don't want to include incomplete or poor
pages in a release.

* What's your favorite kind of cheese?

Thanks for the feedback.


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