Re: Gnome Boxes freeze break request

On Fri, 2014-08-29 at 02:02 +0100, Zeeshan Ali (Khattak) wrote:
While we await the second ack from release-team, I was hoping
I can ask for another break:

Please always start a separate thread for a separate request in case you
expect me to understand, follow, and even reply to your mail. 
In exchange and as a sign of appreciation I might try to avoid dropping
15 entirely different bugs in a single Bugzilla ticket about Boxes.

Put wizard & properties in a dialog -

Small comment about the patches: I'm not totally happy with the line
  "// This file is part of GNOME Boxes. License: LGPLv2+"
in the attached patches, but it's not worse than before. IANAL, but IMHO
every source file should have a proper header with a copyright and
license notice. (If .vala files are considered source files.)

Designers would love to have this and so would I and Lasse in 3.14

Same opinion as Fred: *If* designers have tested this and would like to
see it, here is another r-t approval. And of course if Documentation
team is okay with regard to user docs and screenshots.

Andre Klapper  |  ak-47 gmx net

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