Re: Request freeze break for: "fail whale extensions list looks bad"

2012-03-23 00:05 keltezéssel, Gil Forcada írta:
El dj 22 de 03 de 2012 a les 23:40 +0100, en/na Andre Klapper va
On Thu, 2012-03-22 at 18:07 -0400, Matthias Clasen wrote:
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 7:21 AM, Jasper St. Pierre
<jstpierre mecheye net>  wrote:

We're replacing the code that switches extensions on/off in the fail
whale with something that disables all extensions - it was never a
good UI in the first place.
Did this get enough votes ?
I've seen a 'no objections from docs', and some non-objections from
release team members so far.
r-t approval 2 of 2 (Colin gave the first), but this adds one new string
so we need approvals from the translation coordination team
( ).

Even so its quite late, I will give the easy 1/2 from i18n.

i18n approval 2/2, go ahead!

Gabor Kelemen
Go buy some $BEVERAGE to get the second :)



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