Re: Self Introduction

Hi Joshua,

On Tue, Jun 28, 2011 at 3:30 AM, Joshua Wulf <jwulf redhat com> wrote:
Hi All,

I've been lurking on this list for a while, but haven't posted before.

I've been using Gnome as my primary desktop for work and play since
2004. I was using Windows before that, since 3.11. I use Mac OS X and
Windows as secondary environments. I currently work at Red Hat as a
Technical Writer.

I'm quite interested in the transition from Gnome 2 to Gnome 3, as well
as the Mallard authoring system.

I wrote a content spec for a Gnome 3 chapter for the Fedora Project:

I've been working on open source topic-based authoring systems, similar
to Mallard, using Docbook and DITA.

- Josh

Thanks for thinking to say hello.

That aouthoring-systems project sounds pretty interesting. It isn't one that would become self aware, and plot to kill all of humanity is it? Lana Brindley talked about such a docs-related project at the Open Help Conference. While it sounded like a good project for documentation, it did not sound like a good project for anyone who would like to survive attacks from hunter-killer robots.

Are there any particular areas of Gnome documentation where you were looking to contribute? Working on small Gnome-docs projects is fine, as is fending off attacks from human-cybernetic organisms.


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