What's New Pages

Hi folks,

This is another half-baked idea in my brain.

"What's New" pages are really nice to have in application help.
Users who love the program love to look at a succinct list of
cool new things they can do.  So let's do them, yeah?

But how about we don't do them, and instead ask developers to
do them.  We'll put a page with a standard name (whatsnew.page)
in the help.  When the developers merge in cool new features,
they can just add a bullet point to this file.

<item><p>You can now frobnicate files!</p></item>

They'll forget sometimes, of course.   So at feature freeze we
send them a reminder to look at whatsnew.page and make sure it
has everything.

Developers don't need to write the final content.  They'd just
provide basic bullet points.  We'll go through their bullet
points, decide if we have to write new help because of them
(we probably do), and then make the "What's New" page shiny.

Does this sound like something we'd like to explore?


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