Task list on the wiki

Hi guys,

Does anyone mind if I completely gut the Tasks page [1] on the wiki?
Here's what I was thinking of doing with it:

     1. Have three subpages (initially): Desktop Help, Application Help,
        Developer Docs.
     2. Each subpage will have a list of tasks, which I'll update at
        least twice weekly (others can update it whenever they see fit,
     3. Each task will have basic instructions on how to get started,
        including the git commands you need to get the checkout, the
        files you need to change, and links to relevant resources and
        bug reports.
     4. I'll tweet/dent every time a new task is added, using a hashtag
        like #doctask.
     5. I'll update (or others can update) the status of tasks as they
        are performed, providing links to any patches/code/mailing list
        activity related to them. People can give feedback via the wiki
        (on the task page) too.

I'm hoping that having a (relentlessly!) up-to-date task list with clear
start-up instructions will encourage contributors, and having a
well-defined way of tracking task status will make it easier for
reviewers to offer feedback.

What do you think?



[1] - http://live.gnome.org/DocumentationProject/Tasks

Phil Bull

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