Re: GNOME DVB Daemon documentation

2010/4/26 Sebastian Pölsterl <sebp k-d-w org>:
> The assistant is not started automatically, you have to run gnome-dvb-setup
> manually. Totem will start it for you if no devices are configured.

This is interesting and something to keep in mind. I think this needs
to be said on the Totem part of this help guide: what I'm thinking is
for the gnome-dvb help to be installed alongside the Totem one, with
the Totem part of this help appearing in the Totem help.

So just ot have a better understanding of how the program works: can I
use it without Totem? Am I still able to record shows and do all the
other things?

> Would a tooltip explaining it be a good way, too?

Why not, that can work too.
Personally, I think people discover tooltips by chance, not because
they think that there is a tooltip there: not everything has a tooltip
or a tooltip worth reading.

> Okay, though you would only describe actions that could cause problems
> and/or are not obvious, right?

Basically, yes.


Milo Casagrande <miloc gnome org>

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