Re: Need help to get started with Mallard

Leonardo,  thanks for the email.

I'm not sure on the conversion, but can you try to validate the XML using:

xmllint --noout --xinclude --relaxng `pkg-config --variable malrng gnome-doc-utils`

And make sure it validates?  Shaun will know more about converting it to html than I do.


On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 8:00 PM, Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonardof gnome org> wrote:
I wrote an index page, mostly the same as the one in the Ten Minutes Tour, and I can't have it converted to a (x)html page. What else should I do?

$ cat
<page xmlns="" type="guide" id="index">
<title>Referência Médica</title>
$ gnome-doc-tool xhtml
Unmatched element: page
Unmatched element: title

For me it seems that the syntax is correct. Isn't gnome-doc-utils (0.18) recognizing it as a Mallard page? Do I need to set up autottool files and the GNOME help  directories hierarchy? I'd like to try Mallard outside software documentation...

Thanks in advance!

Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle <leonardof gnome org>

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